This dialog box allows you to alter the persistant data of a game. It is accessible from the menu Tools>Game settings. You must be connected through wifi (green connection led) before accessing data.
Data field shows a green background when its content is valid. It shows a red background when data is invalid. It is possible to get red fields at dialog opening, since data might be uninitialized or have been corrupted for some reason. On the orginal MPU, the most frequent cause of data corruption is related to NVRAM battery being flat, disconnected, or changed. This won't happen on the MPU clone. Our clones use "F-RAM" technology, which does not need any battery back-up. Apart from a first boot, the data should never become incorrect.
Conversely, it is impossible to save a set of data if at least one field is red. You must change the parameter for a correct value before you can save the whole set of configuration.
Most of the parameters can be tuned with the buttons B1,B2 that are located behind the cabinet door, but not all.
From the switch matrix dockwindow, you can also use the soft B1 and B2 buttons to tune the game parameters, exactly as you would do with the real B1, B2 buttons.
To be able to emulate B1&B2 pushbuttons, you first need to set the pinball in permanent tilt as it would be when the cabinet door is open. How to emulate permanent tilt on the MPU clone? In the switch matrix dockwindow, simply triple click on the tilt switch (S9/RA). You are now in tilt mode (door open).
Typically, it often occurs that an handicap field appears in red, because it is not initialized and contains hex digits, above 9. Such contents must be corrected and changed for a decimal number, if you want the machine to count correctly during a game.
This is exactly the same situation as on an original MPU, where data must be correctly initialized (with a miniprinter).
There is an alternate solution to reset handicap scores : Just play a game (or fake it with the switch matrix dockwindow, that's easier :-)) and reach at least 2Millions. The Recel software will automaticaly reset the handicap of the given tableau to 1M
There is a bunch of data that cannot be altered from the game settings dialog box. In the original MPU, these were basically complex and sensitive data. They still could be altered, but only with the help of a correctly programmed "Miniprinter".
Typical such data are the "Preset Contact Time" values (Nibbles located at RAM 0xF0..0xF7). A standard configuration value for that is 0xA for all. It virtually works with all types of games. 0xA is the initial value applied to the system when you perform a factory system reset.
If you desire to change that, then you need to go to the Memory Inspection dockwindow and change the values, then click the golden button write to WiFlip RAM and finally click the pink button "Flash". The selected radio button must be "NVRAM", and you must ensure that you have read it successfully at the beginning. (Click "Read from WiFlip RAM)
Another possibility is to use the Miniprinter emulation that is provided by the clone device. From WiFlip, you can load/save/edit the emulated miniprinter and apply its values with a reset. Just like you would do with an original miniprinter.
2 parameters are part of the NVRAM. Thus, they can be altered just as the others. And Indeed, you can alter them. Though, they should not be modifiable from a modern system point of view. They are Model and production numbers. Indeed, it is curious that a user would be authorized to change a production number. This is actually how it was working on original Recel MPU. Once a production number was modified, there was no means to recall the factory value! (unless you had made a backup with a Miniprinter)
Nowadays, this values are never lost, and can be restored from the system seetings dialog box by selecting the radio button factory.
Model number is set appropriately by the reprog script, in correspondance with the game you have installed. Then, you can change it for the value you like. Please, notice that some games are numbered 0000, since we could not retrieve the original data for them. The user manual could not be retrieved. So we ignore how several games were numbered. If you have this information, please contact us! Thank you in advance.
Each time you do a game reprog, this value is overwritten, to install the set of 4-digit corresponding to this game. It has nothing to do with the CRCs you may notice sometimes from certain consoles.
You can set any value you want for the production number. It wil be saved. If you want to retrieve the genuine and unique production number of your board, simply perform a reset in "factory" mode. Please note that this parameter is 5-hex digits. Then, in the game settings window of WiFlip, it will appear as such, with digits in the range 0..9,A..F. Hence, on the real displays of the pinball, you will retrieve the same value, but with A..F transcoded in the same way they were in the old times (something like c, t, etc... F being transcoded as "blank" digit°
The number registered inside the pinball is a 5-digit number. It is actually a subset of your real MPU production number. The full production number of your MPU can be read from the button "Dip Switch and ident" and is a 10-digit number.
Of course, game settings may be read and modified from the real B1/B2 door buttons. Of course, this original function of the pinball is preserved.
Our MPU clone is meant to be compatible with an original miniprinter. Why can we claim for this assertion? This is because of our full modelling of B1 RRIOT PPS4 chip (A1761), with its weird negative logic and '1' recessive state. Then, all the lines concerned by the miniprinter have been routed, just as the others. BUT...
Warning!...We have not populated the corresponding components, which would make it actually work. This is simply because we've never seen a real miniprinter in the true life. Then, we just inferred how it should work. Therefore we never tested it. If you do have a working original Miniprinter, and if you want to contribute to the project, please contact us. We'll studied how you can be rewarded for the contrib.