Connect to the pinball from the WiFlip application. Open the Reprog dialog box from the menu : Tools>Reprog...
In the Auto Reprog subsection, select the game you want to install
Click apply. On the MPU the red and yellow leds should flash at high rate, indicating reprogramming mode. In this configuration, the pinball stops running normally.
The mini console displays the status of the installation, step by step. If success is displayed, you just need to reset from the pushbutton located immediatly below the apply button. A reset from the physical pushbutton (SW2) of the MPU won't work. You can also switch the pin off and on again. But in this case you may have to disconnect/reconnect with the appli.
The new game is immediatly operational.
⚠ All games were tested OK. Users of Poker Plus: Please, use Poker Plus V2. This is the original game ROM. The game named "Poker Plus" is not good.